One of my biggest challenges on the golf course is with water management. Our source of raw water comes by of Strontia Springs reservoir and it eventually get pumped to use through network of underground pipes. Our water is very clean to the point of being potable. Having such clean water has been great for the turf and all plant life including trees. The biggest down fall is the hefty price tag of the water. Our water bill is very expensive for the year which is why I keep a tight eye on it. 2020 was a very hot and dry year and unfortunately I had to buy extra water over my yearly allotment to keep it alive and playable.
Over the past few years, I have been using magnets on my hose for hand water purposes. The magnet splits the water molecules making the water "wetter". I have seen a better turf response to using the magnet compared to straight water. With the magnet, it energizes the water helping with pressure issues and help with better uniform distribution at the sprinkler head. With the energized water, you should see a reduction of usage by 10-20%.
I bit the bullet and installed an 8 inch unit on my pump station. Now all the water being applied on the course will run through the magnet. My hope is that we will see a better turf response to the nightly watering, better coverage throughout the golf course while lowering our usage rate which in turn will lower our water costs and electrical costs to pump it.
I have been keeping records for the past 14 years of water usage on the golf course. I am excited to see what will turn out in 2021.
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