The above picture is the finished product of the new #13 tee box. Last year we resurfaced the upper tee and it was finally time to finish up the project. Justin, Assistant Superintendent sod cut the existing surface and we only kept a small amount of the grass from the edges. Everything else was discarded. He leveled the 12 inch crown that had developed over the years from the divot mix. He was able to increase the playing surface with the existing material. We sodded 1,400 square feet of the tee surface with a low mow Kentucky Bluegrass. Over the next few weeks, we will keep it watered to insure that it roots in. We will then start slowly mowing it down to the desirable height of 1/2 inch. I forecast that we should be able to use it by mid June.
To help spread out some tee box wear, a new #7 Black tee box was built. It was seeded with Perennial Ryegrass and we will then interseed Kentucky Bluegrass into after establishment. I do expect for us to use it this year, but when we do, it will add an additional 30 yards to the hole. A driver can be used but it will bring the pond into play which is at the end of the fairway.
We had a few pieces of sod left over from the project at #13, so we decided to repair a few of the bunker edges. With last years irrigation install to the left of #6 green, this sod will be healthy and happy in a short time.