It is always about the weather here at Arrowhead. This spring we received heavy amounts of precipitation in both forms of snow and rain which then turned into snow melt and heavy amounts of runoff. Now I am wondering where is the precip and can I have it back??!! We have not received any significant rain in weeks if not several months. The course is holding up pretty well to the heat but we now have that "championship look" around the greens and fairways. This is an old modified 2-row block irrigation system. When the heat sets in on the course, the course shows its signs of poor irrigation coverage. Each day we set up portable roller bases to the struggling areas. We send out 2-3 hand waters to hit the hot spots around greens and tees.
Both of my Assistant Super's work each day on the tired system. They have been replacing sprinkler heads that are not turning or are slow turners. They are checking nozzles to make sure they are not getting worn out. These two team members are keeping us at peak condition!